Si No. | Title Of Programs | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
230. | Write a program that read roll, three subjects mark & display highest mark in each subjects & highest total with the students roll who obtained this. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
231. | Write a program that read some players name, team name & batting average & display all according to team name. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
232. | A file contains some person name & telephone numbers. Write a program that…… i) Read telephone number & display name. ii) Read name & display telephone number. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
233. | A file contains some country name & capital. Write a program that repeatedly read any country name & display capital until user enters the word “End”. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
234. | A file contains some hotels name, address, grade, charge & number of rooms. Write a program that…….. i) Display all hotels information with given grade. ii) Display all hotels information whose charge is less than giver charge. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
235. | A file contains some players name, team name, and batting average & display team wise player information. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
18. Function | Function | Function | Function | |
236. | Write a function that gets two integers & returns sum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
237. | Write a function that gets two integers & returns multiply. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
238. | Write a function that gets two integers & returns division. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
239. | Write a function that gets two integers & returns subtract. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
240. | Write a function that gets two integers & returns maximum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
241. | Write a function that gets two integers & returns minimum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
242. | Write a function that gets length & width of a rectangle & returns area. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
243. | Write a function that gets radius of a circle & returns area. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
244. | Write a function that gets three integers number & returns maximum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
245. | Write a function that gets three integers number & returns minimum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
246. | Write a function that gets three integers number & returns medium. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
247. | Write a function that gets any positive integer & returns its factorial. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
248. | Write a function that gets any positive integer & returns its digital sum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
249. | Write a function that gets any positive integer & returns its digital root. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
250. | Write a function that gets any positive integer & returns its reverse. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
251. | Write a function that gets two positive integers & returns GCD (Greatest Common Divisor). | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
252. | Write a function that gets two positive integers & returns LCM (Least Common Multiple). | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
253. | Write a function that gets two positive integers(x,y) & returns xy (x to the power y). | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
254. | Write a function that gets two positive integers & returns nPr (Permutation). | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
255. | Write a function that gets two positive integers & returns nCr (Combination). | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
256. | Write a function that gets any positive integers & determine prime or not prime. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
257. | Write a function that gets an array & returns sum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
258. | Write a function that gets an array & returns Average. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
259. | Write a function that gets an array & returns Maximum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
260. | Write a function that gets an array & returns minimum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
261. | Write a function that searches any number in an array. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
262. | Write a function that sort an array. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
263. | Write a function that gets a string & returns its length. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
264. | Write a function that gets a string & reverse all character. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
265. | Write a function that gets a string & convert it to upper case. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
266. | Write a function that gets a string & convert it to lower case. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
267. | Write a function that copies one string over another string. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
19. Recursive Function | Recursive Function | Recursive Function | Recursive Function | |
268. | Write a recursive function that gets any positive integer & returns factorial. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
269. | Write a recursive function that returns n’th Fibonacci number. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
20. Pointer | Pointer | Pointer | Pointer | |
270. | A program that reads & displays any number. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
271. | A program that reads two numbers & displays sum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
272. | A program that reads two numbers & displays subtracts. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
273. | A program that reads two numbers & displays multiply. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
274. | A program that reads two numbers & displays division. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
275. | A program that reads two numbers & displays remainder. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
276. | A program that reads two numbers & display maximum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
277. | A program that reads two numbers & display minimum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
278. | A program that reads three numbers & display maximum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
279. | A program that reads three numbers & display minimum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
280 | A program that reads three numbers & display medium. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
281. | A program that reads two floating point numbers & display maximum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
282. | A program that reads two floating point numbers & display minimum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
283. | A program that reads two long numbers & display maximum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
284. | A program that reads two long numbers & display minimum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
285. | A program that reads two double numbers & display maximum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
286. | A program that reads two double numbers & display minimum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
287. | A program that reads two character & display maximum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
288. | A program that reads two character & display minimum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
289. | A program that reads two string & display maximum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
290. | A program that reads two string & display minimum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
291. | A program that reads any integer & display positive, negative or zero. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
292. | A program that read a digit & display spelling. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
293. | A program that reads any positive integer & display in roman digit. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
294. | A program that read a positive integer & display its factorial. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
295. | A program that read a positive integer & display sum of its digit. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
296. | A program that reads & display an array. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
297. | A program that reads an array & display sum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
298. | A program that reads an array & display average. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
299. | A program that reads an array & display maximum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
300. | A program that reads an array & display minimum. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
301. | A program that reads an array & search any given number. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
302. | A program that reads an array & sort them. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
303. | A program that generates first n Fibonacci numbers. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
304. | A program that convert a line to upper case. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
305. | A program that convert a line to lower case. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |
306. | A program that read any word & display every character with one space. | Source Code In C | Input & Output | Instructions |